WHAT IS THE ZENCOLOR NESTING CUBE? The zenColor® nesting cube indexes all of the “sticky data” and adheres it to our patented universal language model. This unleashes the power of machine learning AI across the entire product ecosystem.

IT’S A DATA MAPPING COLOR LANGUAGE MODEL. Machines, unlike humans, cannot “see” or describe color. To do so requires the creation of a mathematically based and objective universal color data mapping language model. The zenColor data mapping language model indexes the data input from all other color mediums, both digital and non-digital, enabling the data points to be implemented for machine learning and Artificial Intelligence.

WHY IS THAT IMPORTANT? Color accounts for 85% of the reason behind product purchasing decisions by the consumer.  And yet there is no method to properly collect and decipher the data.  zenColor provides the solution.

IT’S A TRUE UNIVERSAL COLOR LANGUAGE. The ability of zenColor Code (ZCC) to index all other color mediums and descriptions as “sticky data” creates a universal color language. This is the only universal color language in the world today that applies to the definition.

WHY IS THAT IMPORTANT? Introducing the zenColor universal language model into the product lifecycle makes it faster and easier to design, manufacture, and market products. This also makes it possible to track and analyze the color and product data through machine learning and AI.

FROM DATA MODEL TO COLOR PICKER. Unlike machines, the human eye is needed to visualize and describe color. Applying color attributes to mapping language throughout the nesting cube produces a perfectly symmetrical three-dimensional color model. When converted as a two-dimensional view and displayed on a device, it becomes a new type of digital color picker and a means by which to visualize the color data.

WHY IS THAT IMPORTANT? No design team requires 16,777,216 color choices to create a product. It’s a nightmare for product development. With that in mind, we removed the redundancies from the sRGB picker without removing a single coordinate and mapped it back to the zenColor universal language model.


“Data on its own, left to simply meander in digital purgatory is nothing. It needs to be corralled, filtered, analyzed, paired, visualized and ultimately delivered back into some system or to some end user for the data to create value.”

The Promise for Big Data Open Innovation & Crowdsourcing – June 2012

THE ZENCOLOR DATA LANGUAGE MODEL.  Our patented color language model is useful, universal, and intuitive. It was designed to be understood by both machines and human beings.